Just another day

It started out as a little picture of the sky each and every day. A basic visual capture. On my phone or my camera. The only pre-requisite was that I had to do it every day, once a day.

Nothing more than that.

At Day 181, I have discovered something profound. Kids do it naturally. Elderly people, whom are still in good health, display it more openly and my own parents show it when they go on holiday.

A deep sense of BEING.

My beautiful Yoga Teacher and Mentor, Dana Longton, spoke of this in class this morning. “A lot of us have forgot what it is like to BE. We spend our days off somewhere else. We forget about just BEING”.

My humble, daily snippet has turned into a creative practice that has brought me closer to the sense of BEING again.

I can remember connecting to this sense of BEING when I was a little girl and I spent days upon days playing in our large hill-side garden in the ACT. I didn’t seek out others to keep me content. I didn’t look on a computer or a phone to gain a sense of connection. I didn’t have any sense of emptiness or lacking. I was literally just BEING me.

Now an adult that sense of BEING has escaped me. It’s only just recently have I really felt myself reconnect with it. To say it is liberating to be back there is an understatement. It absolutely ROCKS!

You may be yawning by now, “Yeah I have read this all before” and this is all the buzz topic at the moment. Mindfulness, being in the now etc but I didn’t really understand what it all meant. What I should really say is I could understand it BUT I couldn’t really integrate it into my daily life, until now.

A daily creative project, such as my little 365 Skies, can stop you for one minute each day. To look. To think. To be.

I welcome you to be curious and try a little daily project of your own. You don’t need to share it.  Like we were as children, never caring what people thought of us, getting recognition is the last thing we really need when it comes to a daily creative practice. Whatever your idea might be, it will expand your mind in so many more ways than you anticipate it will.

Good luck.


It was meandering down this path that cemented my love of photography. As the breeze gently blew through the bamboo forest above, a beautiful percussion filled the silence as each bamboo knocked against the another.

As human beings, we are so connected to the natural world and yet tiny in comparison.

Welcome to Heather Robbins Photography (HRP). This is now my main photography site. I have since ceased working in commercial photography under the brand name Red Images Fine Photography.

I have been a professional photographer for over 14 years and it never ceases to surprise me just how much there is to learn about this craft. Anyone that knows me, understands I absolutely love this art form.

Here I have carved out some web space to share with you my Fine Art and Portraiture work. This is what inspires me most to continue image making.

Enjoy and thank you for visiting.